Financial modelling
with ®® is a modern, fast and responsive actuarial modelling system that gives insurers significant and immediate financial management capability.  It can be used for the following functions:

  • Solvency II calculations
  • new business pricing and profit testing
  • new business policy value illustrations
  • embedded value calculations
  • regulatory and realistic valuations
  • asset liability modelling
  • dynamic financial analyses
  • stochastic runs
  • business plan projections® is a leading financial modelling software which has users throughout the world.  It is currently used by approximately 50 companies in 15 countries around the world.



Being a very flexible software solution,® can be used to perform more than only standard actuarial calculations or analyses.  In that sense,® is similar to Microsoft’s Excel.  Excel provides the functionality to perform calculations, but does not come with a predefined structure for an analysis.  Excel just provides clean sheets to execute your analysis.® is similar in the sense that it provides the functionality in which the modelling can be done the way the user sees it fit, but without being limited by a predefined structure.

Because of its flexibility,® is suitable for a wide range of analyses from spreadsheet type work to full blown valuation or ALM systems.


Excel Reporting® is fully compatible with all Microsoft technologies.  This has the advantage that output files can be easily read from Microsoft Excel for further analysis.  An example application is projecting balance sheet numbers in and then reading these into Excel to be included in a formatted balance sheet layout.

Advanced financial projections (varying underlying inputs and parameters) can also be run from within Microsoft Excel without having to open®.  An example application is running profit test analyses from Excel using different inputs and parameters.


DLL functionality® has the functionality to create dynamic link libraries (DLL’s) which can be used on websites, administration systems or even point of sale technologies.  Using the interface, a user can create a DLL folder and supply this to other areas of the business for simple integration into other systems, so ensuring a consistent modelling approach across the organisation.

The DLL functionality enables actuarial teams to create and test functions which can then be used by other systems. This has the advantages of reducing implementation time as well as the risk of inconsistencies between systems.


Collaboration® is designed for individual or workgroup usage.  The range of collaborative working tools includes:

  • version control – either local repository or distributed
  • auditing logs of model changes
  • backup and archive functionality - storing data and models in a single archive
  • security controls including password protection of models and a ‘run-only’ version that allows models to be run but not changed


Ease of use® has an intuitive user interface and only requires the user to have basic skills in writing VB function code (similar to Excel VBA).  It is quick to learn and users can rapidly become productive and proficient.® is a financial modelling system which is designed by actuaries for actuaries.® allows actuarial modellers to be quick, flexible and responsive to business needs.


Future Proofing® has been built upon Microsoft’s .NET development platform and is fully compatible with all Microsoft technologies.  As such, it is not plagued by legacy issues often found in other software.  

It is capable of connecting with almost any data source.


Cost efficiency

One of the biggest advantages® achieves is the low Total Cost of Ownership for such an extensive solution.  By providing excellent value for money, users of® see a rapid return on investment in terms of productivity, value and versatility.


More information can be found at